Laser shower, laser therapy with the super pulsed cluster probe

RJ cluster probe (laser shower) combines red and infrared laser radiation up to 5x60 W/904 nm

The laser showers from RJ are connected to the Physiolaser and are available as cw lasers or as super pulsed lasers. They are easy to use, the ergonomic design and the low weight allow effortless work. The cw laser shower has 12 laser diodes for an area of about 20 cm2. Two different wavelengths (red and infrared) are built-in to optimize therapy in deep and upper tissue layers: 8 x 50 mW/785 nm+ 4 x 50 mW/655 nm. The cw laser shower is also available as a "brush" (for e.g. veterinary medicine).

Laser cluster probe continuous wave

Laser shower, cluster probe cw

Cluster probe from below

Laser shower, cluster probe from below

Laser shower cw

Laser shower, laser therapy cw, cluster probe

Continuous beam laser shower with red 650 nm and infrared 785 nm laser radiation

The underside of the cw laser shower is covered with an innovative photon reflection foil to optimize the yield of photon energy and enhance the effect of the laser. Photons are reflected and multiplied, allowing more photons to penetrate the skin.

In auricular medicine, the cw area probe is an important tool because it is used as a peripheral overlay.

Cluster probe 5x60W super pulse

Laser shower for laser therapy, superpulsed

Cluster probe super pulse focussed

Super pulse laser with the laser shower focussed beam

The super pulsed cluster probes (laser shower) up to 300 W

These area probes (laser shower) enable an innovative laser irradiation. A surface treatment using super pulsed laser diodes offers high penetration depth and finest photobiomodulation. Our experienced therapists swear by them and will never let them go.
There are two models available, with movable tips that adapt to body shapes and with focused beam guidance that generates an optimal energy density at depth.

Laser power 5x60 W/904 nm and 5x30 W/904 nm, pulse width 200 nsec.

The picture on the left shows the ideal size of the focussed laser shower, which has a homogeneous energy distribution and allows depth effect (also due to the wavelength of 904 nm).
More detailed information about the biological properties and special functions of the super pulse can be found under Research. Please read the article from Lars Hode, Sweden.

Superpuls laser
Please contact us, we will be happy to advise you in order to find the right laser probe for you.

Laser shower in case

Laser shower in case

Model variations of the cluster probes

Laser Shower Super pulse (movable) 5 x 60 W/904 nm
Laser Shower Supe rpulse (focused) 5 x 30 W/904 nm
Laser shower super pulse (directed beam) 5 x 30 W/904 nm
laser shower cw 8x55mW/785nm+4x40mW/655nm


Fabrikstr. 22
79183 Waldkirch
